Action for Children & Women Organization (ACWO)

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+211 926 979 738

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Opposite UN OCHA | Juba City


Protection of Children & Women

ACWO was founded on the premise to address mainly three (3) protection components that include child protection, gender based violence and Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH). We strive to fight
against child abuse, GBV and SRH among affected children and women to ensure a peaceful coexistence and protection of their rights. ACWO was also founded on the premise that child abuse and GBV should be settled through peaceful means, such as mediation and inclusiveness.

The components under this program include 👇🏿

Child Protection & Child Rights Governance
Gender Based Violence (GBV)
Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH)

The protective environment for children in South Sudan remains unsafe exposing them to multiple protection risks. Among the total population in need including caregivers, an estimated 3.1 million children and adolescents are in dire need due to the persistent violations of children’s rights. This continue to be a critical concern in South Sudan because children and adolescents are often targets of family abuse, separation, neglect, abduction, exploitation, and violence.

South Sudan continues to face unprecedented and persistent humanitarian crises. Reports of physical violence, rape, and other forms of GBV towards women and girls are pervasive. Societal norms, values, practices and gender related power imbalances are key drivers of the various forms of GBV women and girls face, even not related to conflict. An estimated 2.8 million people, with a majority being women and girls, risk facing GBV in 2023.

Adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health refers to the physical and emotional wellbeing of adolescents and includes their ability to remain free from unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion, STIs (including HIV/AIDS), and all forms of sexual violence and coercion. More than a quarter of the world’s population is between the ages of 10 and 24, with 86% living in less developed countries. These young people are tomorrow’s parents. The reproductive and sexual health decisions they make today will affect the health and wellbeing of their communities and of their countries for decades to come.


Conflict Prevention, Peace Building & Recovery

ACWO works to prevent conflicts, promote peaceful resolution of disputes and reconciliation, build and increase peaceful co-existence and social cohesion in the communities through dialogues, negotiations, debates, group discussions, trainings/workshops, recreational activities, poems, media programs, community and school outreaches.


Livelihoods & Women Empowerment

ACWO is focused on enhancing and promoting women economic empowerment. It suggests putting efforts on increasing agricultural productivity, market for valuable crops as means of restoring food security and rebuilding incomes of the people in the community. In addition, ACWO’ motivation is seeing a community that is economically stable thus it will strive to promote economic empowerment of communities in South Sudan mainly through providing information that leads to access to opportunities for women and youth to develop a set of core technical and life skills and access financial support to operate sustainable Income Generating Activities through established VSLAs. The livelihoods and women economic empowerment is categorized in four pillars namely 👇🏿

Women economic empowerment & governance
Women life skills trainings and supporting of IGAs
Food security and nutrition

ACWO’s motivation is seeing a friendly children and women society that is economically stable thus it will strive to promote women economic empowerment in South Sudan mainly through providing information and support that leads to access to opportunities for women and youth to develop a set of core technical and life skills and access financial support to operate sustainable income generating activities (IGAs).

We provide access to hands on skills training such as tailoring, carpentry, driving, and saloon etc. to address the challenges of unemployment in the community.

People in rural areas count on farming to eat and earn a living. ACWO will promote rural and urban subsistence farming to boost agriculture to eradicate poverty. We work to support the community inclusion in agriculture value chains and improve their income while ensuring healthy and nutritious food for everyone. We also ensure inclusive market systems to farmers. When designing effective interventions that will support our beneficiaries to work in local markets, a comprehensive understanding of the market system and the barriers for inclusion is key. We work with the local leaders and other partners to promote an inclusive market systems framework.


Humanitarian & Crisis Response

When crisis hits, women and girls are disproportionately affected. Such impacts include loss of property and livelihood opportunities, limited or no access to critical services such as healthcare and education. Their vulnerability is further exacerbated by the existing gender inequality and discrimination prevailing in societies. As the world faces increasingly complex and compounding crises from conflicts, climate disasters, and pandemics, it is critical to understand their differentiated impacts on affected women and girls from the very start to better respond to their specific needs. The response should be tailored not only to filling their immediate needs, but also to integrating resilience-building for women and girls against future shocks and transforming discriminatory and harmful social norms to positive, gender-equitable ones.


Environmental Conservation & Management

ACWO contributes to the protection and management of natural resources and natural ecosystem through careful planning and execution of various policies and programmes on environmental conservation and management.
We strive about achieving sustainable development through focusing on promoting practices on efficient management of natural resources and environment protection. By advocating for utilization of safe & clean renewable energy such as improved cook stove, Solar home systems, raising awareness on vulnerable ecosystems, and promoting afforestation among target communities, communities will be conscious on the need to preserve nature around them.


Organizational Development

ACWO is focused to strengthen its own institutional capacity, as well as that of its staff members to effectively fulfil its vision, mission and objectives. The major thrust of this thematic investment is to strengthen ACWO’s institutional capacity at local, national and regional levels. This change will be brought about developing and strengthening ACWO policies and governance systems; strengthening capacity of the Staff and Board to deliver on their mandate; set up a financial sustainability plan; initiate, engage and sustain stakeholders’ commitment and building relevant networks and partnerships.

Do you appreciate our efforts?

One of our leading priority is to create a safe and supportive environment for children and women.